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Knitting a Seamless Baby Hat With Circular Needles

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This hat design will bear witness you how to knit a hat with round needles for beginners.

You won't be scared to enter the bitterly cold weather in winter with this cozy knit chapeau.

Knit with Panthera leo Make wool ease thick and quick yarn in fig, this hat is and then soft and cozy, information technology will be sure to protect you in the coldest climate!

Ringlet down for the free pattern or yous can grab your printer-friendly ad-free PDFhere.

woman wearing a beanie hat

This blueprint is cracking for beginners, every bit it is an easy level design, and the techniques you volition need to know are how to knit, purl, and K2tog, also every bit knitting in the round on circular needles.

Womens hat purple

Knitting A Hat For Beginners

Many beginner knitters first off making scarves and then motility on to making hats, simply sometimes using those circular needles to knit in the round puts people off.

Using round knitting needles is non equally scary equally you may think.

In this simple pattern, you will create ribbing for the brim and then knit every stitch in the round to create the stockinette stitch for the main body of the hat.

The hat is actually quick to knit up too every bit it is fabricated with super bulky yarn.

woman wearing a hat that has been knit in the round with circular needles

How To Knit In The Circular

In this post, you will learn everything you lot need to know in order to knit your very get-go chapeau in the round.

There is a video tutorial, and step past step photographs, and then you know that yous are doing the correct affair!

If you accept never worked in the round before here is a video tutorial to help you get started – How To Knit In The Circular.

beginner hat knit in the round with circular needles

Beginner Hat Pattern – Knitting In The Circular

Grab your printable advertising-gratuitous PDF version from my shop here.

The Blueprint PDF has the pattern with and without the photographs.


The chapeau knits up apace in super bulky yarn, and the simple design makes for a relaxing and enjoyable knit.

  • Please do non copy, sell, redistribute or republish this design.
  • If you wish to share this pattern, link to the pattern page only.
  • You lot may sell items produced using this pattern.
  • Practise Non utilize the copyrighted photos for your production listing.
  • For the copyright T&C's please read myTerms of Use.

Video Tutorial

You can run into a video tutorial showing you how to knit this chapeau on my YouTube channel here.

Skill Level – Easy

Size –

  • Developed woman
  • Chapeau length lying apartment w/o pom = 9.v inches
  • Width lying flat = 9.v inches
  • To fit a head with circumference size – around 22-26 inches.

Guess– ten sts and fifteen rounds = 4in/10cm in Stockinette sew together

The Supplies You Need…

To go started you need the post-obit materials;


  • 1 skein of super bulky/super chunky/14 ply yarn/yarn weight guide
  • Lion Brand wool ease thick and quick in fig 146


  • Ready of10.00mm (The states 15) 16″ circulars
  • Or a set of 10mm (US 15) 20″ circulars.


  • Record measure
  • Darning needle
  • Scissors
  • Stitch markers

Other Tools

  • Pom pom maker Clover 2 – 1/2 inch Large.
beginner hat knit in the round with circular needles

Abbreviations / Knitting Abbreviations Listing

  • Approx = Approximately
  • Beg = Begin(ning)
  • Cont = Go on(ing)
  • Yard = Knit
  • K2tog = Knit next ii stitches together
  • P – Purl
  • PM Identify marking
  • Rem = Remaining
  • Rep = Repeat
  • Rnd(s) = Round(s)
  • St(south) = Run up(es)

How To Knit A Hat

  1. Casting On

    Begin by casting on 38 stitches onto your circular needles using the thumb or long-tail cast-on method.

    Both of those cast on methods will give you a nice stretchy cast-on suitable for a hat.

    Spotter a cast on tutorial hither.

    Once you take bandage on 38 stitches, count and check that y'all have the correct corporeality of stitches.

    Here is what your cast on should expect like beneath ->

    stitches cast on to circular needles

  2. Joining In The Round

    In the next footstep, you need to join your knitting in the round.

    Identify a marker at the join and exist conscientious not to twist the stitches.

    This is important as you need to join to exist able to knit the chapeau on the circular needles with no seaming involved.

    Lookout man knitting in the round tutorial hither.

    joining knitting in the round

  3. Knitting The Ribbing

    Once you have cast on your 38 stitches and joined in the round, you volition need to start the ribbing section of the chapeau.

    This is the stretchy section of that lid, which is there to go far easier to become on and off and to fit onto your caput.

    In this pattern, this is a simple 1 10 1 ribbing, which is knit one sew together, purl one stitch.

    How to Knit 1 ten ane Ribbing ->
    1st round: Knit
    2nd round: K1, P1 (1 x 1 Ribbing)

    Rep round two but and complete another 5 rounds of K1, P1 ribbing.

    The ribbing section is like this – Knit one sew / Purl one stitch.

    Sentinel a ribbing tutorial here.

    ribbing on circular needles

  4. Knitting The Main Torso Of The Hat

    Once you have completed the ribbing the rest of the pattern is really easy!

    Every round after this is now knitted with the knit stitch.

    When you knit every round on circular needles, it gives you lot stockinette stitch.

    Knitting in the circular has no wrong side rows, and then there is no purling involved.

    This part of the hat is the easy bit – take a look at the pattern below;
    Circular 7: Knit
    Repeat round seven (knit every round) until the work measures 8′′ from the cast on edge.

    The longer you make the hat, the more slouch information technology will have.

    I knit viii inches of this hat, but you tin knit more or less depending on how fitted or slouchy you desire it to be.

    main body of the knitted hat

  5. Finishing The Hat

    To finish the hat, you demand to decrease it with a actually easy decrease method – K2tog.

    K2tog means that you knit ii stitches together, this is a commonly used manner to decrease stitches.

    This video tutorial will help you – How To K2tog.

    And then there is no cast-off, you lot simply have a long tail of yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches, pull together and fasten off securely.

    Here is the decrease section of the pattern;
    Subtract every bit follows >
    1. K1, K2tog – rep to the finish of the circular – to terminal 2 sts, K2
    2. Knit to the end of the circular.
    3. K2tog, K1 – rep to the end of the circular.
    four. Break yarn.
    5. Draw end through rem sts and fasten securely.
    6. Sew in any loose ends.

    decreasing the knitted hat

  6. Stitching on The Pom Pom

    Once y'all accept airtight the top of the hat and secured it, pull the long tail of yarn through the top of the chapeau.

    Make a pom pom either from cardboard or with a pom pom maker.
    I used a Clover 2 – 1/2 inch Large.

    Here is how to stitch the pom pom onto the top of lid;

    i. Push the needle with the yarn through it coming out of the peak of the hat through the pom-poms center.

    two. Push it back through the pom and through the centre of the top of the chapeau.

    iii. Exercise this a couple more times, hiding the stitches that thread through the pom pom as you practise it.

    4. Once it feels secure, secure with a knot on the inside of the height of the hat.

    5. Weave in whatever loose ends and cut the yarn.

    stitching a pom pom onto a hat

  7. Weaving In The Ends

    At that place will be a few loose ends that demand to be weaved in – from the cast on of the hat and from stitching the pom pom into place.

    To do this weave them forth the border of the stitches, and then they are hidden and will not come out.

    That's it!

    Y'all can remove the stitch mark now and effort on your hat.

    weaving in the ends of the hat

You may also similar this beginner blueprint – How to knit a hat with straight needles – which is knit flat, worked dorsum and forth.

If you enjoyed making the hat, I'd love to come across yours onInstagram, be sure to tag me @handylittleme.

I dearest seeing your finished projects!

If you are on Facebook, cease over to the handylittleme Facebook page and share a photo!  I'd honey to meet your piece of work!

Happy Knitting! xoxo

Knitting a Seamless Baby Hat With Circular Needles
