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The Rock Cycle Drawing Easy 6 Boxes

Stone Cycle Steps & Science Lesson

The rock cycle – a continuous process by which rocks are created, changed from one course to another, destroyed, and so formed again. A process taught in all Globe Science curricula, ordinarily in the eye school or early high school years. And earth science is a fun science that tin can be super interactive!

The Rock Cycle

"Solid every bit a stone."

Accept you heard that expression?

Rocks have a reputation for being solid, hard, and indestructible. Just rocks are always changing!

Existing rocks undergo change every bit outlined in the rock wheel (which is similar to the water cycle).

The departure is that, dissimilar the water bike, you can't run across the rock cycle steps happening on a twenty-four hours-to-day basis.

Rocks changevery slowly under normal activeness, but sometimes catastrophic events like a volcanic eruption or a flood can speed upwardly the process.

Rocks line river beds and jut to a higher place the landscape every bit mountain peaks; they are fun to collect and sometimes are very beautiful.

Each rock is different; some are smooth and round, some are sharp and unsafe. They come up in all colors: pink, green, orange, white, scarlet.

And nevertheless, scientists classify them all in only 3 groups! Go on reading to learn about the 3 types of rocks and the rock wheel.

Iii Types of Rocks in the Rock Bicycle

Igneous rocks are formed when hot magma cools rapidly, either by hitting underground air pockets (intrusive igneous rocks) or by flowing from the mouth of a volcano equally lava on pinnacle of the ground (extrusive igneous rocks). Granite, obsidian, basalt, and pumice are all mutual examples of igneous rocks. Pumice is a veryporous rock because when the lava cooled, pockets of air were trapped inside. Because of all those air pockets, pumice can actually float!

Sedimentary rocks are formed by layers of sediment (dirt, rock particles, etc.) being mixed and compressed together for extended periods of time. Common examples of these rocks are limestone, sandstone, and shale. Sedimentary rocks often accept lots of fossils in them considering plants and animals get buried in the layers of sediment and plough into stone. Clastic sedimentary rocks are rocks that people generally retrieve of; rocks that have pieces of other, pre-existing rocks that form a new rock.

Metamorphic rocks are a combination of rock types, compressed together by high force per unit area and high temperatures. They usually have a more hard, grainy texture than the other two types. Schist, slate, and gneiss (pronounced like 'nice') are metamorphic rocks.

The Six Rock Wheel Steps

1. Weathering & Erosion. Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks on the surface of the earth are constantly beingness cleaved down by wind and h2o. Current of air carrying sand wears particles off the rock like sandpaper. Rushing river h2o, crashing surf, and precipitation all rub off the rough edges of rocks, leaving polish rocks or pebbles behind. H2o seeps into the cracks in mount rocks, then freezes, causing the rocks to interruption open.

The result of all this? Large rocks are worn down to modest particles.

When the particles are broken off a rock and stay in the aforementioned expanse, information technology is calledweathering.

When the particles are carried somewhere else, it is called erosion.

2. Transportation.Eroded rock particles are carried abroad by wind or past rain, streams, rivers, and oceans.

3. Deposition.As rivers go deeper or flow into the ocean, their current slows down, and the stone particles (mixed with soil) sink and become a layer of sediment. Often the sediment builds up faster than information technology can be washed away, creating petty islands and forcing the river to break up into many channels in adelta.

4. Compaction & Cementation.Equally the layers of sediment stack up (to a higher place h2o or below), the weight and pressure level compacts the bottom layers.

(Try making a stack of catalogs and watch how the bottom ane gets squished as you add together more on top – this is the same idea as the compaction of layers of sediment.)

Dissolved minerals fill in the small gaps between particles and and then solidify, acting every bit cement. After years of compaction and cementation, the sediment turns into sedimentary rock.

v. Metamorphism. Over very long periods of geologic time, sedimentary or igneous rocks cease up buried deep underground, ordinarily considering of the move of plate tectonics. While underground, these rocks are exposed to high oestrus and pressure, which changes them into metamorphic rock . This tends to happen where tectonic plates come together: the pressure of the plates squish the stone that is heated from hot magma below.

(Tectonic plates are large sections of the earth'due south crust that motion separately from each other. Their motion often results in earthquakes.)

6. Stone Melting. Tin can you imagine 'stone hard' rocks melting? That's what they do in the depths of the earth! Metamorphic rocks hush-hush melt to gomagma. When a volcano erupts, magma flows out of it. (When magma is on the world'south surface, it is calledlava.) As the lava cools it hardens and becomes igneous rock . Equally presently as the new igneous rock is formed, the processes of weathering and erosion brainstorm, starting the whole cycle over over again!

See if you tin discover sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks where you live. As you study them, retrieve about how they have undergone many slow changes to go what they are.

Depict a pic of the rocks you notice and then draw a diagram of the rock cycle steps. Go on reading to see how you tin experience the rock bike process for yourself!


Wind and water and blowing sand can, over fourth dimension, rub away the crude edges of rocks, leaving smooth stones. In nature, this is called 'weathering.'

But weathering can happen at dwelling house, likewise! Many people use a stone tumbler to shape and polish the rocks they collect. (You lot can get a bag of rocks to tumble here, too, if you don't have your own!)

A rock tumbler mixes the stones with several types of dust to rub abroad the roughness, just like rocks 'tumbled' with sand in an ocean or river.

The results are smooth, shiny rocks. When people tumblegemstones (usually semi-precious ones they discover), they can finish upwards with cute colors and can fifty-fifty utilise polished stones to make their own jewelry.

A jewel or a gemstone is whatsoever mineral that can be cut and polished for jewelry or other ornament. The most precious gems are chosen for theirbeauty,rarity, anddurability. Semi-precious gems usually have one or two of these characteristics simply fall short in some other areas.

Fluorite, for instance, is very cute simply information technology is too soft and will scratch easily. Agate, quartz, and amethyst are other examples of semi-precious gems.

Diamonds are gemstones that are considered very precious and for good reason. Though they are fabricated of carbon, one of the well-nigh common elements, diamonds are more often than not regarded every bit some of the nighcute gemstones.

They are relativelyrare because almost diamonds are not jewelry quality. Diamond mines commonly take one part diamond to 40 million parts other rock.

But a diamond high-quality enough to be in an engagement ring is the product of the removal and processing of 200 to 400 one thousand thousand times its book of stone!

The diamond'south most incredible aspect, however, is itsdurability. It is the hardest substance establish in nature, four times harder than the next hardest natural substance, corundum (sapphire and blood-red).

The grit in a regular rock tumbler wouldn't have much effect on a diamond! It also has the highest melting indicate and conducts heat v times better than the second-all-time element, silvery.

Starburst Rock Bicycle Science Project

Take you ever fabricated a rock collection? Part of the fun is gathering as many dissimilar rocks as yous can find. But fifty-fifty though rocks come up in many different colors, shapes, and sizes, they all fit into ane of iii categories based on how they were formed. Learn most the rock cycle steps, the three main types of rocks, and what happens when rocks get so hot that they melt!

What You Demand:

  • Starburst candy (assorted colors)
  • Adult's help
  • Scissors
  • Heat source (similar a toaster oven, hot plate, blow dryer, etc.)
  • Tongs
  • Wax newspaper cut into a vi-8" foursquare
  • Aluminum foil cut into an eight-ten" foursquare, or a weighing boat
  • Rock cycle nautical chart

What You Do:

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i. Unwrap 4 different-colored Starburst candies. Have an adult use the pair of scissors to help you cut each slice of candy into 9-12 pieces.

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2.  Pile up the pieces and mix them around.

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3.  Next, rub your palms together back and along speedily for several seconds. Then pick up the pile of processed and push the pieces together to form a ball. Your ball should look lumpy with the candy pieces visible.

four.  Next, have an developed help yous utilise your heat source to soften the lumpy ball of candy. Once it'due south slightly heated but not too hot to handle, place it in the middle of your square of wax newspaper and fold the paper in one-half over information technology.

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5.  Once the candy lump is within the wax paper, information technology'due south time to utilise pressure. Some ideas include rolling information technology with a rolling pivot, placing a pile of heavy books on top of it, stepping on it, or whatever else you can call up of! After you've mashed it well, remove the candy blob from the wax paper and fold it upward. Then put it dorsum in the wax paper and repeat the process of applying pressure, this fourth dimension trying a new technique if you want. When you remove the Starburst from the wax newspaper now, it should be soft and pliable, so you can easily curlicue it into a ball.

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half-dozen.  If using foil, fold each side up to mode a dish and place the candy blob inside.

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7.  Take an developed help you utilise your estrus source to use plenty heat to completely melt the lump of candy. Y'all'll know yous've heated it sufficiently when the candy is liquified. (Practice non put aluminum in a microwave!).

8.  Have an adult use tongs to remove the foil container from the oestrus source and place it somewhere out of reach to allow it to absurd.

last of the rock cycle steps

9.  Once it's absurd enough to handle, carefully peel the processed from the foil. How is the candy unlike now?

What Happened:

Rock Cycle Steps

We allocate the three primary types of stone (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous) based on how they're formed.

The rock wheel is the entire process of forming rocks, and like a circle, information technology has no showtime or cease.

In this stone cycle project, we simulated the formation ofsedimentary rocks by pressing the pieces of Starburst into a lump.

Nosotros imitation the formation ofmetamorphic rocks by adding heat and pressure in steps four and 5.

The last three steps of the project testify howigneousrocks are formed.

Since the rock cycle steps are continuous, practise you think yous could use your igneous "stone" from the final steps and start the whole projection over? Give information technology a try!

For more fun studying and experimenting with geology, check out these science projects:

  • Iii Fun Rock Experiments
  • Rocks and Minerals: Lesson Plan
  • Rock Tumbler Project
